These Quality standards are designed to ensure that the horticultural enterprises meet the minimum requirements to become an integral part of the market, whether export or local.
Quality isn’t just about profits and loss or beating out a competitor. It’s about safety, delivering on a promise and meeting the very basics of customer expectations. But, by meeting quality standards, enterprises often reap better profits and reduce losses. Those that exceed quality standards stand out above their competitors and further their potential for profit and consumer loyalty. Therein rests the benefit of quality standards.
Today, quality assurance measures the standards that go into a product or service before it goes out to the public. Quality assurance uses auditors, sometimes independent and sometimes in-house, to evaluate the methods that go into making products and providing services. In this set up, the Commercial Village Trade Facilitators will help train and audit the farmers horticultural produce before reaching the market.
This module will help achieve the following:
- Improve enterprises’ ability to deliver horticultural products that consistently keep up a high quality to the market hence customer satisfaction
- Enhance quality of the horticultural products thereby helping the enterprises to reduce extra costs that rejection of produce comes with.
Common Standards
Rwanda standard applies to commercial varieties of pineapples grown from Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. Of the Bromeliaceous family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and packaging. This standard provides guidance on the quality of pineapples from the harvesting, handling, grading, transport and packaging stages to marketing. It also specifies provisions concerning quality, sizing tolerances and presentation of the fruit to the market. Pineapples for ornamental use or industrial processing are excluded.
The standard is to define the quality requirements for fresh pineapples after preparation and packaging. However, if applied at stages after point of sale or following export, produce may show in relation to the requirements of the standard:
(a) a slight lack of freshness and turgidity
(b) a slight deterioration due to their development and their tendency to perish.
Compliance with the provisions of this standard shall not excuse failure to comply with provisions of applicable national laws.
This standard is applicable to fresh pineapples with or without tops provided that pineapples with tops attached or with tops removed may not be commingled in the same container.
Terms and Definitions
Under the terms and definitions, the following shall apply
- Turgidity:A cellular state in which a plant cell, having absorbed water, is in a state of tension
- Discoloration: When more than 10 percent of the crown leaves are discoloured.
- Mechanical or other means: When physical injury (cleanliness, mechanical damage) more than slightly affects the appearance of the pineapple.
- Bruising: When any bruise extends into flesh more than 6.35 mm and when a bruise or combination of bruises affects an aggregate area of a circle more than 38.1 mm in diameter
- Sunburn: When there is bleaching and a slight softening of the shell affecting an aggregate area more than 38.1 mm in diameter.
- Gummosis: When gum deposits penetrate into the flesh or causes discoloration of the shell affecting an aggregate area more than 6.35 mm in diameter.
- Internal breakdown: When more than 5 percent of the edible flesh has a distinct light brown to medium brown discoloration which more than slightly detracts from the appearance or edible quality of the fruit.
- Insects and insect feeding: When an aggregate area more than 12.7 mm in diameter has any insects attached to the surface (e.g. scale) or any injury from insect feeding, which more than slightly detracts from the appearance, edible, or shipping quality of the fruit.
- Healed cracks: When healed cracks more than slightly detract from the appearance, edible, or shipping quality of the fruit.
- Mechanical or other means: When physical injury (cleanliness, mechanical damage) more than slightly affects the appearance or edible quality of the pineapple.
Quality Requirements
Basic requirements for fruit:
Basic requirements for tops:
Fruit free from :
Tops free from :
Fruit free from injury by :
Tops free from injury by :
II. Class I
Pineapples in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type. The following slight defects may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:
- slight defects in shape;
- slight defects in coloring, including sun-scorch/sun-spots/sun-burns;
- The defects must not, in any case, affect the pulp of the fruit.
The crown may be simple or double and straight or slightly curved, with no side-shoots and should not exceed 150 per cent of the length of the fruit. The maximum inclination of the crown should not exceed 30° from the longitudinal axis of the fruit.
The pineapples in this class shall meet the following specific requirements:
Basic requirements for fruit :
Basic requirements for tops :
Fruit free from :
Tops free from :
Fruit free from damage by:
Tops free from damage by:
III. Class II
This class includes pineapples that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes, but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.
The following defects may be allowed, provided the pineapples retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:
- defects in shape;
- defects in coloring, including sun-scorch;
- skin defects (i.e. scratches, scars, scrapes, bruises and blemishes) not exceeding 8 per cent of the total surface area.
The defects shall not, in any case, affect the pulp of the fruit.
Basic requirements for fruit :
Basic requirements for tops :
Fruit free from :
Tops free from :
Fruit free from serious damage by :
Tops free from serious damage by:
- Class;
- Size (recognised size code or average weight in grams);
- Number of fruits;
- Net weight (optional).
- Coloration code (optional);
- Tare weight (optional);
Quality assurance helps a company meet its clients’ demands and expectations. High quality builds trust with customers, which, in turn, makes the enterprises competitive in the market. It saves costs and fixes issues before problems become larger, and it helps to set and maintain quality standards by preventing problems to begin with. Investing in quality assurance is indispensable in many enterprises today. It is most effective when it’s in place from the start. When quality assurance is done right, it provides confidence, tests the product and lets enterprises market their products with few worries.
This module will therefore help the farmers to have knowledge on quality and standards required in processing and packaging pineapple to meet the market demand and improve income.