About Us


To enhance competitiveness of smallholder farming through market-led digital solutions, real-time market information and business partnership to reduce poverty and improve livelihood in Rwanda.


Our platform houses both an android app and a web app for farmer digitization, market linkages, agri-services, extension information content, aggregation/trading, market information, registration and data collection.


e-Hingirisoko allows for multiple functionalities; trade, GMA calculator, weather updates and feedback exchange. It is easy to use and avails relevant information to enable decision making by various value chain actors.


Partnering with Value Chain Actors

The Agri-services modules contain commercialization, market access and agronomic information structured as digital content and audio content. Digitized content for the eight targeted value chains is availed in Kinyarwanda and English. The current value chains include: pineapple, onions, chili, French beans, Garlic, Cauliflower, Red cabbage, and Gooseberry. Each value chain module has subsections specific to the crop touching on; Seed and Variety Selection, Land preparation, Planting, Crop management, Disease and Pest Control, Harvest, Post-harvest and storage, Processing and handling.

fresh products
The e-HingiriSoko is an Android-based mobile application and a virtual business hub for farmers, SMEs, food distributors, processing companies and other value chain actors to for virtual trade, payment and agri-services.  e-HingiriSoko connects villages to markets and markets to villages, it is a business boardroom, it is a hub for business development services. Goal: To enhance competitiveness of smallholder farming through market-led digital solutions, real-time market information and business partnership to reduce poverty and improve livelihood in Rwanda. 
  • Virtual aggregation and market access 
  • Prices and market trends 
  • Agri-service(agronomy, livestock management and other services)
  • Commercialization and Value Chain Development
  • Nutrition and Public health information
  • Market Requirements quality standards and specifications
  • Business Development Service providers
  • Weather and climate resilience information
  • Integrated payment options



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